You're Invited To Attend

The GET ORGANIZED! Challenge

Three essential workflows to get your bookkeeping business organized for good

A 3-Day Challenge for Bookkeepers Who Want to Unlock the Secrets of 5-Star Client Service and are SO DONE with Feeling Scattered & Overwhelmed

With Justine Lackey a.k.a. “J-La”

The Bookkeeper’s Coach

Starting Sept 16, 2024, Daily from 1-2 PM EST.

Register for replays!

Justine Lackey Smiling with $100 Dollar Bills Flying in the Air

“I get really frustrated when people give me theory and not steps. Justine gave me the steps.

“Justine is incredible. When I met her, I wanted to get organized but I was way too busy to come up with the steps on my own. With 15+ years of experience running a highly successful bookkeeping firm, she had built something real and was passing on her step-by-step process. So I just used her steps as a blueprint and adapted them to what would work for me in my business.”

Robin A.


Listen up, you Beautiful Bookkeepers!

Panic & overwhelm are completely normal but they are not helping you fly your business or build your nest egg. You are way too smart and amazing to be jumping out of bed in the middle of the night because you forgot to do something for a client or staring at the ceiling fan because you can’t stop thinking about how you’re going to pay your bills.

The anxiety has got to go.

This 3-day challenge is designed to help you stop spinning your wheels & start burning rubber!

Golden Egg Sitting in a Raffia Filled Basket

All classes begin at 1 pm EST about 1 hour, replays will be sent if you register. For the best experience, join me live and give yourself about a half hour after class for integration and implementation time.


During this free challenge, you will learn:


Client Onboarding Secrets

My secrets for getting every client started on the right foot so they pay, stay, and do things YOUR way


The 5-Star Bookkeeping Formula

Systemize the 4 steps to pristine, polished bookkeeping no matter what your client’s business is or what their books look like


The Month-End Close Workflow 

How to meet your deadlines and calm the chaos with big dollars (& peoples’ livelihoods) on the line


Premium Pricing Secrets for Bookkeepers

Learn how I handled the client’s “sticker shock” when I used to charge $105+ per hour for regular bookkeeping and $10K+ for clean-up projects


Coffee, Cocktails, & Crazy Stories (Q+A)

Get comfy and let’s discuss strategies for tax season, 1099 deadlines, and other craziness only bookkeepers know! (I invite you to bring your craziest stories.)

"I wanted to feel like I owned the business instead of the business owning me.”

 “Before I met Justine, I felt like I was just being sort of tossed back and forth. You know, letting the clients run things, jumping in whenever they decided to respond to me, and not keeping them on task. Now, I’ve set up my business to run so smoothly that I have freed up an extra 20 hours a week. I finally have the time to pursue my dream of getting a Masters in Accounting.”

Cassie C.


Meet Justine Lackey

Heyyy! I’m Justine Lackey… 

But you can call me JLa.

I’m a bookkeeping expert, business mentor and coach, and proud mama of three great kiddos. I love hosting elaborate dinner parties, a good belly laugh, and all things entrepreneurship. 

(Against all odds) I built a successful bookkeeping agency, serving world-renowned galleries and artists, as well as some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the online business space.

I grew my business from just little ol' me and a handful of clients to a recognizable brand with over 100 clients and a team of 12.

In 2023, I sold my business (ka-ching!) so I could focus on helping growing bookkeepers build prosperous businesses just like I did. I’m so excited to help you with the first step - Getting Organized!

Justine Lackey Sitting at a Desk on her Computer with Brick Wall Behind her

Ready to go from Hot Mess Express to
“How did I ever live without these workflows?!”

Join us for this free, special 3-day event.