It’s time to quit winging it and START BRINGING IT!

What’s the point in providing 5-star experiences for your clients when you’re still charging them 2-star rates?

Get My Fast-Track, Proven Method to Confidently Raise Your Rates, Attract Premium Clients, and Scale Your Bookkeeping Business to 6-Figures and Beyond.


Before we dive in, I need you to see this...

Image of a Testimonial from Kayla on Facebook
Image of a Testimonial from Kayla on Facebook

You caught that, right? 

She fearlessly jumped off the revenue rollercoaster, implemented my Pricing Perfection™ method, filled her roster with dream clients, and took her income to new heights. And I'm going to help you do the same. 

Imagine being able to:

  • Ditch the anxiety around sending proposals and finally feel confident in your pricing.
  • Sign clients who happily pay premium rates and value your expertise.
  • Scale your income to consistent 5-figure months while working less.
  • Have the financial freedom and flexibility to be present for your family.

If you're a skilled bookkeeper who's ready to...

  • Stop second guessing yourself every time you give a quote or send a proposal 
  • Get out of the dollars-for-hours trap and price your services to optimize your revenue
  • Finally get paid what you're worth and build the profitable bookkeeping business of your dreams
...then you're in the right place. And I'm so glad you're here.

Hey there, I'm Justine!

But you can call me JLa. 

I'm a bookkeeping expert, mom of 3, and the founder of Good Cents Management.

After more than 20 wild years in the bookkeeping trenches, I've learned a thing or two about pricing for profit. I went from charging a measly $22/hour to commanding $250+/hour and packaging my services for premium prices. 

Along the way, I grew Good Cents to a firm with a team of 12 that was balancing the books on the verge of that $1 million milestone before successfully selling in 2023. 

But I didn't just wake up one day with the magic key to pricing. I had to figure it out the hard way.


I struggled for YEARS with...

😧 Agonizing over proposals and worrying incessantly about charging too much 

😓 Tying my self-worth to my rates and chronically undercharging 

😤 Resenting my business because I was working way too hard for way too little


That's when I decided enough was enough. I became obsessed with cracking the code to pricing for profit. 

I invested tens of thousands into mentors, masterminds and courses. I ran the numbers, tested different models, and even hired a data analyst to validate my approach.

Until finally, I landed on the exact method that enabled me to scale to the brink of bringing in 7-figures - without burning out. 

Sound impossibly far away? I'm handing you the shortcut that you can use to get those same results.

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The Proven Method to Confidently Raise Your Rates, Attract Premium Clients, and Scale Your Bookkeeping Business to 6-Figures and Beyond


Here's how it all breaks down… 

The Profit-Driven Pricing Framework™

My proprietary pricing method is proven to let you ditch the uphill-both-ways-in-the-snow hourly billing battle for good so that you and your clients can finally feel good about your mutually beneficial value exchange.

The Raise Your Rates Roadmap 

The exact step-by-step process to fearlessly raise your rates and transition clients to your new pricing (without losing them)

The Premium Pricing Mindset Makeover

Breakthrough limiting beliefs around money so you can own your value and charge premium prices with unshakable confidence

The High-Ticket Sales Secrets

Nail your discovery calls and confidently lead pricing conversations to enroll more high-end clients with ease

The Quickstart Pricing Templates

Plug-and-play proposal and templates to implement your new pricing strategy ASAP

Here's what other bookkeepers just like you have said about Pricing Perfection:

Client Testimonial Blurb
Client Testimonial Blurb

By the End of our Time Together, You'll Have:

The confidence and know-how to raise your rates without stress or burn-out
A foolproof system for packaging and pricing your services for max profit
A wildly profitable business model that enables you to work less and earn more

Pricing Perfection is PERFECT for you if:

  • You're done with over delivering and under-earning and ready to align your pricing with the value you provide
  • You want to free up your time and energy by working with less clients at higher price points
  • You know you have the skills to command premium rates and are excited to up-level but lack the confidence needed to steer sales calls in your favor
  • You want a proven roadmap to hit consistent 5-figure months while working less
  • You're done with over delivering and under-earning and ready to align your pricing with the value you provide
  • You want to free up your time and energy by working with less clients at higher price points
  • You know you have the skills to command premium rates and are excited to up-level but lack the confidence needed to steer sales calls in your favor
  • You want a proven roadmap to hit consistent 5-figure months while working less

If you're ready to say goodbye to pricing drama and hello to dream clients and bigger profits...


Now is the time to hop off the revenue rollercoaster and master the art and science of Pricing Perfection. I can't wait to support you all the way to your own success story!

 Total Value = $499.00

Only $99.00


Backed by my 14-Day Perfectly Priced Promise

I'm fully confident that the Pricing Perfection Framework™ will help you raise your rates and hit your income goals with more ease. That's why I'm backing it up with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Join the program, implement the system, and if you don't feel more confident and in command of your pricing within 14 days, just email us at [email protected] and I'll refund your investment. No hoops. No hassle. Just peace of mind.


Have Questions? I’ve got answers...

Pricing Perfection Pays Off:

Client Testimonial Blurb
Client Testimonial Blurb

Ready to scale your bookkeeping business to 6-figures without sacrificing your freedom? Let's do this!


The Profitable Pricing Difference 

This isn’t like other courses that start and stop at theory... 

Pricing Perfection gives you the practical, real-world strategies and support to implement a wildly profitable pricing model in your business ASAP.

I know this works because I put in the blood, sweat, and tears to find out exactly what does and doesn’t. I’ve been around for more than a little while and really have been there and done that. 

I’ll be your lay-it-all-on-the-table-guide and head-hype-girl, but I’m a no fluff,  no band-aid solutions kinda’ gal. Just the proven pricing system I used to grow a bookkeeping business that was closing in fast on 7-figures while I worked far less than I did when I was still 

chasing that first 6-figures when I first started.

Because I've been where you are, I know you need more than just theory and fluff. You need a practical, proven game plan from someone who has walked the talk.

That's why Pricing Perfection is laser-focused on implementation, giving you the exact roadmap and tools I used to 10x my income.  No vague advice or cookie-cutter formulas. Just real-world strategies and support.

The good news is that you get to skip all the years I spent figuring it out the hard way!

Pricing Perfection gives you the practical, real-world strategies and support to implement a wildly profitable pricing model in your business ASAP.

I know this works because I put in the blood, sweat, and tears to find out exactly what does and doesn’t. I’ve been around for more than a little while and really have been there and done that. 

I’ll be your lay-it-all-on-the-table-guide and head-hype-girl, but I’m a no fluff,  no band-aid solutions kinda’ gal. Just the proven pricing system I used to grow a bookkeeping business that was closing in fast on 7-figures while I worked far less than I did when I was still chasing that first 6-figures when I first started.

Because I've been where you are, I know you need more than just theory and fluff. You need a practical, proven game plan from someone who has walked the talk.

That's why Pricing Perfection is laser-focused on implementation, giving you the exact roadmap and tools I used to 10x my income.  No vague advice or cookie-cutter formulas. Just real-world strategies and support.

The good news is that you get to skip all the years I spent figuring it out the hard way!

Here's what you get when you purchase

The Pricing Perfection Framework

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Pricing Perfection Masterclass

Value: $499.00

I’ll show you the pricing model that helped me achieve a remarkable 76% Gross Profit Margin! You get immediate access after checkout.

  • Never again feel uncertain about whether you’re charging what you should for your services.
  • Gain the confidence you need to communicate the value that you bring to your clients.
  • Begin filling up your client roster with dreamy, best-fit clients you love to work with. 

PLUS these Incredible Bonus Trainings & Resources to Help You Succeed

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BONUS #1: The Art of Raising Rates

Value: $29.00

You’ll need to raise your rates at some point. Hopefully, soon.

  • Find out why you should - and why you shouldn’t - raise your rates.
  • Discover how you might be subconsciously self-sabotaging your business and what to do about it.
  • Create a never have to wonder about it protocol that will keep you in CFO mode instead of in your feelings when it’s time to make a change.
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BONUS #2: Clean Up Projects Made Easy

Value: $49.00

Nobody likes to clean up a mess, but there is a way to make it worth it - and so much easier.

  • Find out how to price your next cleanup job perfectly.
  • Learn how precision is the key to making your client’s mess a dream for you.
  • Get your very own Clean-up Project Quote Calculator to tell you exactly how to make it worth it every time retractive work comes up.
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BONUS #3: How to Get More Done and Tackle Overwhelm

Value: $199.00

If you want to level up, you’re going go need to learn how to bridge the gap between where you are and what you want.

  • Learn about the science of goal setting and how to use it in your favor
  • The #1 myth that we tell ourselves and each other about productivity that is actually slowing you down.
  • The secret antidote to overwhelm so you never have to get stuck spinning when you could be actively doing what you need to achieve next.

Total Value: $776.00


Purchase Today for ONLY


Or buy Pricing Perfection on its own for its regular price of $499.00


It’s time to STOP…

🛑  Second guessing yourself constantly every time you give a quote or send a proposal. Stop guessing and stressing.

🛑 Working with clients who treat you more like a suspicious stranger than a valued part of their own business. Stop staying stuck with clients who suck.

🛑  Feeling frustrated with having to hustle so hard just to have a client base full of hassle. Stop working with clients who don't value you, your time, or your services.

Isn't it time you START…

🙋‍♀️ Showing up as the capable expert that you are. It's time to get comfortable stepping up your game.  Authority has never looked so good!

🙋‍♀️ Standing  head and shoulders above your competition as someone who knows her worth - down to the penny. Getting paid what you are worth is the legendary level up.

🙋‍♀️ Being choosy about who you work with and what kind of projects you work on. Goodbye, desperation!